About the Artist
Nikayla Rae | Artist & Founder
I create abstract paintings for home decor. It’s interesting to me how a room that feels bare and cold can be immediately transformed into a warm, cohesive and elevated space. I love how art can do that.
I also create abstract because it helps me get out of my head. I’m definitely a yogi, and I love art as a meditation to get me into my feeling body. I love getting into my comfy splattered paint clothes and turning on soft spa music. I love watching colors mix. I love the way paint bleeds across the canvas. I love working with more fluid based mediums and letting the water lead the direction of my paintings.
Painting makes me feel safe and inspired and happy. I love it for that.
My art isn’t meant to be consciously noticed. Rather, I’m a believer that a painting carries the feeling tone of the artist. My hope is that the warmth and safety I feel when I paint resonates throughout your home for you, your family, and your guests to feel and enjoy.
So please, browse around. Maybe you’ll find just the piece that offers your space that warmth and cohesion you're looking for. And let me know if you have any questions. It’s just me here, making paintings that make me happy (and hopefully you too.)
Much love from So-Cal,Nikayla Rae